This page was generated from docs/source/notebooks/3) pyLEnM - Water Table Spatial Estimation & Well Optimization.ipynb. Interactive online version: Open In Colab.

Case 3 - Water Table Estimation & Well Optimization

Welcome to the demonstration notebook where we’ll spatially estimate the groundwater table and then go over an example for well optimization to select a subset of wells to capture the spatiotemporal variability of groundwater table using the pylenm package! Let’s get started!


Make sure to install pylenm from by running pip install pylenm_ in your environment terminal. Once completed, you should be able to import the package. Note: to update to the latest version of pylenm run: pip install pylenm --upgrade

# pip install pylenm
# pip install pyproj
# pip install rasterio
# pip install elevation
# pip install richdem
# Basics
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.preprocessing import  MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
from math import sqrt
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

# pylenm
import pylenm
print("pylenm version: ", pylenm.__version__)
from pylenm import PylenmDataFactory

# GIS data layers
from pyproj import Transformer, CRS
import rasterio
import elevation
import richdem as rd

plt.rcParams[""] = "Times New Roman"
pylenm version:  0.2

GIS Data Layers

# Load GIS elevation data
# dem_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'FArea-30m-DEM_cropped.tif')
# elevation.clip(bounds=(-81.6855, 33.2657, -81.6734, 33.2785), output=dem_path)

dem_path = "./data/FArea-30m-DEM_cropped.tif"

farea_dem = rd.LoadGDAL(dem_path)
farea_ras =
plt.imshow(farea_dem, interpolation='none')
crs = CRS.from_epsg("26917")
proj = Transformer.from_crs(crs.geodetic_crs, crs)

x_loc = np.zeros([farea_ras.height, farea_ras.width])
y_loc = np.zeros([farea_ras.height, farea_ras.width])
for i in range(farea_ras.height):
  for j in range(farea_ras.width):
    lon = farea_ras.xy(i,j)[0]
    lat = farea_ras.xy(i,j)[1]
    utm_x, utm_y =proj.transform(lat,lon) # Latitude/Longitude to UTM
    x_loc[i,j] = utm_x
    y_loc[i,j] = utm_y
slope = rd.TerrainAttribute(farea_dem, attrib='slope_riserun')
accum = rd.FlowAccumulation(farea_dem, method='D8')
twi   = np.log(accum/slope)
plt.imshow(slope, interpolation='none')

Load Well Time Series Data + Preprocess

# Load and process well time-series data
url_1 = ''
url_2 = ''
concentration_data = pd.read_csv(url_1)
construction_data = pd.read_excel(url_2)
pylenm_df = PylenmDataFactory(concentration_data)
Successfully imported the data!

Successfully imported the construction data!

Data summary for water table

WT_details = pylenm_df.get_analyte_details('DEPTH_TO_WATER')
Start Date End Date Date Range (days) Unique samples
Well Name
FSB 94D 1990-01-01 1990-10-08 280 4
FSB 95D 1990-01-01 1990-10-08 280 4
FSB 77 1990-01-01 2006-10-16 6132 122
FSB111C 1990-01-01 2006-10-17 6133 115
FSB105C 1990-01-01 2006-10-19 6135 127
... ... ... ... ...
FSB146D 2015-04-29 2015-09-09 133 9
FSB145D 2015-04-30 2015-09-09 132 9
FSB143D 2015-05-04 2015-09-09 128 9
FSB144D 2015-05-04 2015-09-09 128 9
FSB142D 2015-05-05 2015-09-09 127 9

155 rows × 4 columns

Select wells that have enough and recent samples

n_samples = WT_details['Unique samples']
end_date = WT_details['End Date']
start_date = WT_details['Start Date']
well_names  = WT_details.index
well_enough = well_names[n_samples>20]

well_recent = well_names[end_date> datetime.strptime('2015-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d').date()]
well_old    = well_names[start_date< datetime.strptime('2006-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d').date()]

Temporal interpolation of the time series at equal frequency

wt_interp = pylenm_df.interpolate_wells_by_analyte('DEPTH_TO_WATER', frequency='1M', rm_outliers=True, z_threshold=3)

Select the upper aquifer wells and the wells that have enough samples

active = list(np.unique(pylenm_df.filter_by_column(pylenm_df.get_Construction_Data(), col='WELL_USE', equals=['ACTIVE']).index))
upper_wells = list(np.unique(pylenm_df.filter_by_column(pylenm_df.get_Construction_Data(), col='AQUIFER', equals=['UAZ_UTRAU']).index))
well_only_D = list(set(upper_wells) & set(wt_interp.columns)& set(well_enough)& set(well_recent)& set(well_old) & set(active))
wt_interp = wt_interp[well_only_D]
print(wt_interp.shape[1], "wells")
52 wells

Let’s remove the ‘bad’ time series wells

bad_ones = ['FSB108D', 'FSB131D', 'FSB 90D', 'FOB 13D', 'FBI 14D', 'FBI 17D']
# bad_ones = ['FSB108D', 'FSB131D', 'FSB 90D', 'FIB  1', 'FIB  8', 'FSB137D', 'FBI 17D', 'FSB 79']
wt_interp = wt_interp.drop(columns=bad_ones)
print(wt_interp.shape[1], "wells")
46 wells
# Reorder columns to be in alphabetical order
wt_interp = wt_interp.reindex(sorted(wt_interp.columns), axis=1)

# Convert to meters
wt_interp = wt_interp * 0.3048

Well Location Data

well_info = pylenm_df.get_Construction_Data()

Match the well indecies between the time series and locations

shared_wells = list(set(well_info.index) & set(wt_interp.columns))
wt_interp = wt_interp[shared_wells]
# Reorder columns to be in alphabetical order
wt_interp = wt_interp.reindex(sorted(wt_interp.columns), axis=1)

well_info = well_info.T[shared_wells]
# Reorder columns to be in alphabetical order
well_info = well_info.reindex(sorted(well_info.columns), axis=1)
well_info = well_info.T
crs = CRS.from_epsg("26917")
proj = Transformer.from_crs(crs.geodetic_crs, crs)
UTM_x, UTM_y = proj.transform(well_info.LATITUDE,well_info.LONGITUDE)

Take out the ground-surface elevation, and compute the water table elevation

elev = well_info.REFERENCE_ELEVATION
elev.index = well_info.index
elev = elev.T
elev = elev * 0.3048 # convert to meters

# Now this is the water table elevation (GROUND_ELEVATION - DEPTH_TO_WATER)
wt_interp = elev.values - wt_interp

# Reorder columns to be in alphabetical order
wt_interp = wt_interp.reindex(sorted(wt_interp.columns), axis=1)
wt_interp = wt_interp.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# wt_interp = np.log2(wt_interp)
wt_interp = np.log10(wt_interp)
def get_approx_predictions(X, y_map, XX):
    X_approx, y_approx = [],[]
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        x1, y1 = X.iloc[i].Easting, X.iloc[i].Northing # ACTUAL POINT
        abs_east = np.abs(XX.Easting-x1)
        abs_north= np.abs(XX.Northing-y1)
        c = np.maximum(abs_north,abs_east)
        index = np.argmin(c)
        XX.iloc[index].Easting, XX.iloc[index].Northing
        X_approx.append([XX.iloc[index].Easting, XX.iloc[index].Northing, XX.iloc[index].Elevation])
    X_approx = pd.DataFrame(X_approx, columns=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation'])
    return X_approx, y_approx
X = np.vstack((UTM_x,UTM_y, elev.values)).T
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation'])

XX = np.vstack([x_loc.flatten(), y_loc.flatten(), farea_dem.flatten(), slope.flatten(), accum.flatten()]).T
XX = pd.DataFrame(XX, columns=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope', 'Acc'])

X_approx, Slope_X = get_approx_predictions(X, slope.flatten(), XX)
X_approx, Acc_X = get_approx_predictions(X, accum.flatten(), XX)

X = np.vstack((UTM_x,UTM_y, elev.values, Slope_X, Acc_X)).T
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope', 'Acc'])
(46, 5)
Easting Northing Elevation Slope Acc
0 436915.185626 3681526.011324 64.864488 3710.795166 1.0
1 436691.311919 3681466.821435 70.673976 5400.0 2.0
2 436815.34352 3681532.531246 69.872352 6644.17041 4.0
3 436842.110445 3681572.787131 69.238368 5130.789551 3.0
4 436664.132457 3681447.159625 69.7992 4970.412598 18.0
(2024, 5)
Easting Northing Elevation Slope Acc
0 436159.683552 3.682384e+06 87.0 636.396118 1.0
1 436185.551274 3.682384e+06 87.0 1909.188354 7.0
2 436211.418995 3.682384e+06 88.0 1423.024902 1.0
3 436237.286716 3.682384e+06 88.0 1909.188354 6.0
4 436263.154436 3.682383e+06 89.0 1423.024902 1.0
year = 2015
y = np.array(wt_interp.loc[wt_interp.index[pd.Series(wt_interp.index).dt.year == year]].mean())
well_names = list(wt_interp.columns)
[1.78084772 1.79667497 1.80034253 1.80106015 1.79754437 1.79296123
 1.79563884 1.81633646 1.80414424 1.7826687  1.8077243  1.81476059
 1.81347143 1.81119492 1.80912664 1.80620616 1.8060297  1.80538257
 1.80596917 1.80750673 1.80893034 1.79566047 1.81034381 1.79847031
 1.81569102 1.76549896 1.76618215 1.80134264 1.80734817 1.80137682
 1.79129522 1.80740523 1.80175646 1.80252038 1.79956168 1.77849724
 1.79692823 1.78373745 1.79528575 1.79685459 1.79469989 1.79668663
 1.79203813 1.79137609 1.77629382 1.79051807]
y_map, r_map, residuals, lr_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=['Elevation'], regression='linear', smooth=True)
# Plot all result details
fontsize = 15

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,5), dpi=300)
xx = np.array(XX)
plt.locator_params(axis='both', nbins=4, tight=False)
titles = ["Kriging map colored by residuals from\n Regression trend line", str("Linear Regression + Kriging\n Water table Reference Field | {}".format("Averaged 2005"))]
map_0 = ax[0].pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
fig.colorbar(map_0, ax=ax[0]).set_label(label='Residual',size=fontsize)
map_1 = ax[1].pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
fig.colorbar(map_1, ax=ax[1]).set_label(label='Groundwater table elevation (m)',size=fontsize)
colors=[residuals, 'black']
for i in range(2):
    ax[i].scatter(X.iloc[:,0], X.iloc[:,1], c=colors[i], alpha=1)
    # ax[i].set_xticks(fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize)
    # ax[i].yticks(fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].set_xlabel("Easting (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].set_ylabel("Northing (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
    # ax[i].set_title(titles[i],y=1.04, fontweight='bold')
    ax[i].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both',scilimits=(-1,1), useMathText=True)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 100)

# TEST ALL - Regular Fitting Process
model_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model', 'features', 'mse', 'r2'])

# Save GP results
gp, y_map_gp = pylenm_df.fit_gp(X=X[['Easting', 'Northing']], y=y, xx=XX[['Easting', 'Northing']])
X_approx, y_approx = get_approx_predictions(X, y_map_gp, XX)
model_results.loc[len(model_results.index)] = ["GP", np.NaN, pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx), r2_score(y, y_approx)]

feature_params = [['Elevation'],['Elevation', 'Slope'], ['Easting', 'Northing'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope', 'Acc']]

# Save Results for our approach
for ft in feature_params:
    y_map_lr, r_map_lr, residuals_lr, lr_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=ft, regression='linear', smooth=True)
    y_map_rf, r_map_rf, residuals_rf, rf_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=ft, regression='rf', smooth=True)
    y_map_rid, r_map_rid, residual_rid, rid_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=ft, regression='ridge', smooth=True)
    y_map_las, r_map_las, residuals_las, las_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=ft, regression='lasso', smooth=True)

    y_maps = [y_map_lr, y_map_rf, y_map_rid, y_map_las]
    model_names = ["Linear", "Random Forest", "Ridge", "Lasso"]
    for y_map, model_name in zip(y_maps, model_names):
        X_approx, y_approx = get_approx_predictions(X, y_map, XX)
        model_results.loc[len(model_results.index)] = [model_name, ft, pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx), r2_score(y, y_approx)]
model_results.sort_values(by='r2', ascending=False)
model features mse r2
10 Random Forest [Easting, Northing] 2.239614e-07 0.998378
20 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 2.668312e-07 0.998068
19 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 2.827449e-07 0.997952
16 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 2.861050e-07 0.997928
11 Ridge [Easting, Northing] 2.864685e-07 0.997925
12 Lasso [Easting, Northing] 2.864711e-07 0.997925
9 Linear [Easting, Northing] 2.864719e-07 0.997925
15 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 3.017116e-07 0.997815
17 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 3.031116e-07 0.997805
13 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 3.235888e-07 0.997657
24 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 4.609676e-07 0.996662
0 GP NaN 5.917751e-07 0.995715
23 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 1.316566e-06 0.990466
21 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 1.577690e-06 0.988575
8 Lasso [Elevation, Slope] 2.215109e-06 0.983959
7 Ridge [Elevation, Slope] 2.521643e-06 0.981739
5 Linear [Elevation, Slope] 2.673652e-06 0.980638
4 Lasso [Elevation] 3.087640e-06 0.977640
3 Ridge [Elevation] 3.385018e-06 0.975487
1 Linear [Elevation] 3.434001e-06 0.975132
18 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 7.204380e-06 0.947828
14 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 7.887534e-06 0.942881
22 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 8.054339e-06 0.941673
6 Random Forest [Elevation, Slope] 1.880901e-05 0.863791
2 Random Forest [Elevation] 3.381862e-05 0.755096
# TEST ALL - Leave-One-Out Cross Validation Process
model_results_LOO = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model', 'features', 'mse', 'r2'])

# Save GP results
y_approx_loo_gp = []
loo = LeaveOneOut()
for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X):
    X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
    y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
    gp, y_map_gp = pylenm_df.fit_gp(X=X_train[['Easting', 'Northing']], y=y_train, xx=XX[['Easting', 'Northing']])
    X_approx_test_gp, y_approx_test_gp = get_approx_predictions(X_test, y_map_gp, XX)
model_results_LOO.loc[len(model_results_LOO.index)] = ["GP", np.NaN, pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx_loo_gp), r2_score(y, y_approx_loo_gp)]

feature_params = [['Elevation'],['Elevation', 'Slope'], ['Easting', 'Northing'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope'], ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope', 'Acc']]

# Save Results for our approach
for ft in feature_params:
    y_approx_loo_lr, y_approx_loo_rf, y_approx_loo_rid, y_approx_loo_las = [], [], [], []
    loo = LeaveOneOut()
    for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X):
        X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]

        y_map_lr, r_map_lr, residuals_lr, lr_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X_train, y_train, XX, ft=ft, regression='linear', smooth=True)
        y_map_rf, r_map_rf, residuals_rf, rf_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X_train, y_train, XX, ft=ft, regression='rf', smooth=True)
        y_map_rid, r_map_rid, residual_rid, rid_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X_train, y_train, XX, ft=ft, regression='ridge', smooth=True)
        y_map_las, r_map_las, residuals_las, las_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X_train, y_train, XX, ft=ft, regression='lasso', smooth=True)

        X_approx_test_lr, y_approx_test_lr = get_approx_predictions(X_test, y_map_lr, XX)
        X_approx_test_rf, y_approx_test_rf = get_approx_predictions(X_test, y_map_rf, XX)
        X_approx_test_rid, y_approx_test_rid = get_approx_predictions(X_test, y_map_rid, XX)
        X_approx_test_las, y_approx_test_las = get_approx_predictions(X_test, y_map_las, XX)


    y_preds = [y_approx_loo_lr, y_approx_loo_rf, y_approx_loo_rid, y_approx_loo_las]
    model_names = ["Linear", "Random Forest", "Ridge", "Lasso"]
    for y_approx, model_name in zip(y_preds, model_names):
        model_results_LOO.loc[len(model_results_LOO.index)] = [model_name, ft, pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx), r2_score(y, y_approx)]
model_results_LOO.sort_values(by='r2', ascending=False)
model features mse r2
14 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 0.000018 0.866640
18 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 0.000019 0.864686
22 Random Forest [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 0.000019 0.860844
11 Ridge [Easting, Northing] 0.000022 0.840425
9 Linear [Easting, Northing] 0.000022 0.840410
12 Lasso [Easting, Northing] 0.000022 0.840408
16 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 0.000022 0.837906
4 Lasso [Elevation] 0.000023 0.835734
3 Ridge [Elevation] 0.000023 0.834603
1 Linear [Elevation] 0.000023 0.833030
0 GP NaN 0.000024 0.827174
15 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 0.000024 0.823362
24 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 0.000024 0.823199
13 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation] 0.000025 0.820971
20 Lasso [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 0.000026 0.813037
23 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 0.000027 0.802015
21 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope, Acc] 0.000028 0.799870
19 Ridge [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 0.000028 0.798077
17 Linear [Easting, Northing, Elevation, Slope] 0.000028 0.795192
5 Linear [Elevation, Slope] 0.000030 0.781092
8 Lasso [Elevation, Slope] 0.000031 0.773119
7 Ridge [Elevation, Slope] 0.000032 0.769162
10 Random Forest [Easting, Northing] 0.000034 0.754627
6 Random Forest [Elevation, Slope] 0.000038 0.724841
2 Random Forest [Elevation] 0.000044 0.679617
y_map, r_map, residuals, trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope'], regression='lasso', smooth=True)
# Plot all result details
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,5), dpi=300)
xx = np.array(XX)

titles = ["Kriging map colored by residuals from\n Regression trend line", str("Linear Regression + Kriging\n Log{} Tritium Reference Field | {}".format('$_{2}$',"Averaged 2011",))]
map_0 = ax[0].pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
fig.colorbar(map_0, ax=ax[0]).set_label(label='Residual',size=fontsize)
map_1 = ax[1].pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
fig.colorbar(map_1, ax=ax[1]).set_label(label="Log{} Groundwater table elevation (m)".format('$_{2}$'), size=fontsize)
colors=['black', 'black']
for i in range(2):
    ax[i].scatter(X.iloc[:,0], X.iloc[:,1], c=colors[i], alpha=1)
    plt.rc('font', size=fontsize)
    # ax[i].set_xticks(fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize)
    # ax[i].yticks(fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].set_xlabel("Easting (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
    ax[i].set_ylabel("Northing (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
    # ax[i].set_title(titles[i],y=1.04, fontweight='bold')
    ax[i].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both',scilimits=(-1,1), useMathText=True)
plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4, tight=False)
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4, tight=False)
X_approx, y_approx = get_approx_predictions(X, y_map, XX)
# Plot all result details
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,8))
xx = np.array(XX)
titles = [str("Water table Reference Field | {}".format(year))]
map_1 = ax.pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
fig.colorbar(map_1, ax=ax)
ax.scatter(X.iloc[:,0], X.iloc[:,1], c='black', alpha=1) # Real point
ax.scatter(X_approx.iloc[:,0], X_approx.iloc[:,1], c='red', alpha=1, cmap='plasma') # Approximate point
ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both',scilimits=(-1,1), useMathText=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5),dpi=300)
plt.rcParams["legend.loc"] = 'upper left'
print("MSE LR: ",pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx))

print("R^2 LR: ",r2_score(y, y_approx))
text = "MSE LR: {:.3f}".format(pylenm_df.mse(y, y_approx)) + "\n" + "R{} LR: {:.3f}".format('$^{2}$', r2_score(y, y_approx))
plt.figure( dpi=200)
ax.set_title('Water Table Estimation Results',fontweight='bold')
ax.set_xlabel('True WT value')
ax.set_ylabel('Predicted WT Value')

err_lr = []
for i in range(len(y)):
    err_lr.append(pylenm_df.mse([y[i]], [y_approx[i]]))

err_lr_s = [(x+5)**1.5 for x in err_lr]
scatter1 = ax.scatter(y, y_approx, label = "Lasso Regression + GP", s=err_lr_s)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='grey', alpha=0.15)
fig.text(0.68, 0.06, text, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15, fontweight='bold', verticalalignment='bottom', bbox=props) #1.025, 0.06

m_lr, b_lr = np.polyfit(y.astype("float64"), np.array(y_approx).flatten(), 1)

legend1 = ax.legend()
# produce a legend with a cross section of sizes from the scatter
handles, labels = scatter1.legend_elements(prop="sizes", alpha=0.8)
labels=np.round(np.linspace(min(np.array(err_lr).min(),np.array(err_lr).min()), max(np.array(err_lr).max(),np.array(err_lr).max()) ,6),3)
legend2 = ax.legend(handles, labels, title="MSE", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1)
for i, txt in enumerate(well_names):
    ax.annotate(txt, (y[i], y_approx[i]), fontsize=8, color='#1f77b4')

ax.plot(y, m_lr*y + b_lr)
MSE LR:  2.668312386065415e-07
R^2 LR:  0.9980676914738339
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x14ff029a0>]
<Figure size 1200x800 with 0 Axes>

Well optimization

Select initial wells + determine its index number respectively

initial_wells = ['FSB 95DR','FSB130D','FSB 79', 'FSB 97D', 'FSB126D']
well_list = list(wt_interp.columns)
initial_idx = []
for i in initial_wells:
initial_indices = initial_idx.copy()
[17, 38, 9, 18, 34]

Run well selection optimization using: - y_map_lr as the reference since it gave us the smallest MSE and the best R^2. - ‘FSB 95DR’,’FSB130D’,’FSB 79’, ‘FSB 97D’, and ‘FSB126D’ as the starting wells - a maximum of 20 wells

max_wells = 35
ft=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope']
y_map_las, r_map_las, residuals_las, las_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X, y, XX, ft=ft, regression='lasso', smooth=True)
selected_wells_idx, errors = pylenm_df.get_Best_Wells(X=X, y=y, xx=XX, ref=y_map_las, initial=initial_idx, max_wells=max_wells, ft=ft, regression='lasso')
# of wells to choose from:  41
Selected well: 7 with a MSE error of 8.622143327992836e-05

# of wells to choose from:  40
Selected well: 30 with a MSE error of 2.8397047776441582e-05

# of wells to choose from:  39
Selected well: 36 with a MSE error of 2.6605230485866992e-05

# of wells to choose from:  38
Selected well: 24 with a MSE error of 2.3128514728787038e-05

# of wells to choose from:  37
Selected well: 25 with a MSE error of 2.016285119180079e-05

# of wells to choose from:  36
Selected well: 4 with a MSE error of 1.4258508501504321e-05

# of wells to choose from:  35
Selected well: 5 with a MSE error of 1.3761352283453552e-05

# of wells to choose from:  34
Selected well: 0 with a MSE error of 8.936093396584612e-06

# of wells to choose from:  33
Selected well: 33 with a MSE error of 8.08094232809791e-06

# of wells to choose from:  32
Selected well: 14 with a MSE error of 7.450317649589171e-06

# of wells to choose from:  31
Selected well: 32 with a MSE error of 1.1202968923276878e-05

# of wells to choose from:  30
Selected well: 37 with a MSE error of 1.0038527571704049e-05

# of wells to choose from:  29
Selected well: 21 with a MSE error of 8.578164465094765e-06

# of wells to choose from:  28
Selected well: 10 with a MSE error of 9.150772474535025e-06

# of wells to choose from:  27
Selected well: 40 with a MSE error of 7.438150962621085e-06

# of wells to choose from:  26
Selected well: 45 with a MSE error of 7.657361159759932e-06

# of wells to choose from:  25
Selected well: 43 with a MSE error of 6.709137121893836e-06

# of wells to choose from:  24
Selected well: 23 with a MSE error of 6.398220392339823e-06

# of wells to choose from:  23
Selected well: 19 with a MSE error of 6.2928087370931075e-06

# of wells to choose from:  22
Selected well: 39 with a MSE error of 6.182702931017068e-06

# of wells to choose from:  21
Selected well: 13 with a MSE error of 6.148952448023902e-06

# of wells to choose from:  20
Selected well: 11 with a MSE error of 6.1208451424659016e-06

# of wells to choose from:  19
Selected well: 6 with a MSE error of 6.373604713680322e-06

# of wells to choose from:  18
Selected well: 41 with a MSE error of 6.354264971219114e-06

# of wells to choose from:  17
Selected well: 12 with a MSE error of 6.356190353769186e-06

# of wells to choose from:  16
Selected well: 35 with a MSE error of 1.1118263022516845e-05

# of wells to choose from:  15
Selected well: 27 with a MSE error of 9.767612071757444e-06

# of wells to choose from:  14
Selected well: 29 with a MSE error of 5.243323981219887e-06

# of wells to choose from:  13
Selected well: 31 with a MSE error of 3.668180620980968e-06

# of wells to choose from:  12
Selected well: 15 with a MSE error of 3.6618002546884054e-06

[17, 38, 9, 18, 34, 7, 30, 36, 24, 25, 4, 5, 0, 33, 14, 32, 37, 21, 10, 40, 45, 43, 23, 19, 39, 13, 11, 6, 41, 12, 35, 27, 29, 31, 15]
plt.figure(figsize=(8,5), dpi=100)
plt.plot(pd.Series(errors[0:31]), marker='o')
plt.title('Error between Reference Field and GP prediction')
plt.xlabel('Number of wells')
plt.ylabel('Error (MSE)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Error (MSE)')
# Interpolate using selected wells
ft=['Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation', 'Slope']
pred_map, r_map, residuals, lr_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X.iloc[selected_wells_idx], y[selected_wells_idx], XX, ft=ft, regression='lasso', smooth=True)
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects

def plotres_hor(pred_map, selected, nu_wells):
    fontsize = 15
    plt.rcParams["legend.loc"] = 'upper right'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,5), dpi=200)
    xx = np.array(XX)
    titles = [str("Water table Reference Field | {}".format("Averaged 2005")), str('GP Prediction | {} | Wells: {}'.format("Averaged 2005", nu_wells))]
    map_1 = ax[0].pcolor(xx[:,0].reshape(x_loc.shape),
                    vmin=y_map.min(), vmax=y_map.max())
    ax[0].scatter(X.iloc[:,0], X.iloc[:,1], c='black', alpha=0.2)
    ax[0].scatter(X.iloc[selected[0:5],0], X.iloc[selected[0:5],1], c='red', alpha=1, label='Initial wells [1-5]')
    ax[0].scatter(X.iloc[selected[5:13],0], X.iloc[selected[5:13],1], c='limegreen', alpha=1, label='Selected wells [6-13]')
    ax[0].scatter(X.iloc[selected[13:22],0], X.iloc[selected[13:22],1], c='yellow', alpha=1, label='Selected wells [14-22]')
    ax[0].scatter(X.iloc[selected[22:30],0], X.iloc[selected[22:30],1], c='blue', alpha=1, label='Selected wells [23-30]')
    ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.45))
    fig.colorbar(map_1, ax=ax[0]).set_label(label="Log{} Groundwater table elevation (m)".format('$_{2}$'), size=fontsize)
    for i in range(2):
        ax[i].set_xlabel("Easting (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
        ax[i].set_ylabel("Northing (NAD83), m", fontsize=fontsize)
        plt.rc('font', size=fontsize)
        ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize)
        ax[i].locator_params(axis='both', nbins=4, tight=True)
    ax[0].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both',scilimits=(-1,1), useMathText=True)
    ax[1].ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y',scilimits=(-1,1), useMathText=True)
    ax[1].set_xlim([-1, 31])
    ax[1].set_ylim([0, 9e-05])

    for i in range(nu_wells):
        if(i<=4): c='r'
        elif(i>4 and i<=12): c='limegreen'
        elif(i>12 and i<=21): c='yellow'
        else: c='b'
            ax[1].plot(range(1,31)[i:i+2],pd.Series(errors[0:31])[i:i+2], color=c, zorder=1)#,path_effects=[path_effects.SimpleLineShadow(),path_effects.Normal()])
        ax[1].scatter(range(1,31)[i],pd.Series(errors[0:31])[i], marker='o', color=c, zorder=2,path_effects=[path_effects.SimplePatchShadow(offset=(1, -2.5)),path_effects.Normal()])
    ax[1].axhspan(0,10,facecolor='gray', alpha=0.3)
    ax[1].grid(True, alpha=0.4)
    ax[1].set_xlabel('Number of wells')
    ax[1].set_ylabel('Error (MSE)')
selected = selected_wells_idx[0:30]
nu_wells = len(selected)
pred_map, r_map, residuals, lr_trend = pylenm_df.interpolate_topo(X.iloc[selected], y[selected], XX, ft=ft, regression='lasso', smooth=True)
plotres_hor(pred_map, selected, nu_wells)
[ ]: